Ham Radio
Quick Info[edit]
- Main simplex frequency: many of us have been monitoring 147.42 MHz FM
- Main repeater: N2ROW repeater
Transmit frequency is 446.100 MHz Receive frequency is 441.100 MHz PL tone 136.5 Hz Enc and Dec
- KC2RC Technical Net every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each Month at 9PM on KC2RC
- Other technical net: LIMARC Tech Net on Sundays at 8pm on W2VL
N2YCR Club[edit]
N2YCR is the call sign of the club affiliated with NYC Resistor. You do not need to be a member of Resistor to be a member of NY2CR, nor do you need to be a licensed amateur radio operator (though of course we hope you'll become licensed with our help). We intend to post more information about the club and club events soon. For now, follow the activity on the #n2ycr channel on Discord to learn more. If you want to become a member, start the process by saying hi there. It does not cost any money to become a member of the radio club. The club is open to any and all who can make it to a physical meeting once in a while in the Resistor space. The default entrance to Resistor requires going up approximately five stair steps. If this presents any challenge at all, reach out on Discord and we'll happily accommodate you with a ramp.
Member List[edit]
N2YCR was rebooted on Nov 9 2024 with a new set of officers and a new member list.
- President and Trustee: Woody Poulard - KC1VOP, Technician
- Vice President: Evan Boyar - NR8E, Extra
- Treasurer: Cyril Engmann - KE2DTG, Technician
- Secretary: Todd Mazierski - KE2AEQ, Extra
Regular members who have elected to have their names shared:
- Cody McMahon - KC3LLC, Extra
- Robert "Bobby" Zeydelis - KE2EJY, Technician
- Allison - KE2DJS, Technician
- Grayson MacKenzie - unlicensed
- Ken - unlicensed
- Raymond/Carl - unlicensed
- David - unlicensed
- Erica Huang - unlicensed
- Sanjay - KN6ALW, Technician
- Kat - unlicensed
- Rooftop ladder-line-fed multiband antenna (currently awful)
- [Insert which radio we have]
- [Insert which tuner we have]
- Not actually in the space, but many of us have NanoVNAs which if you ask nicely in the chat, you'll almost certainly be able to borrow
Topical Areas[edit]
Kenwood TH-D7 Tips and Tricks: Tips and tricks for the Kenwood TH-D7 handheld transceiver (HT) including satellite duplex operation and memory editing software.
Special Interests[edit]
- Ham Satellites: Communicating with fast moving orbital radios
- Repeater: Repeaters provide radio coverage over vast distances
- APRS: APRS is the Automatic Packet Reporting System - it can transmit location tracking for people or things, or weather data, or other sensor data that you might enjoy.
NYCR Ham To-Do[edit]
- VE exam accreditation
- Build repeater?
Upcoming Satellite Passes[edit]
Online database of recent satellite activity
SO-50 passes SO-50 Status Page
ISS passes Official ARISS status page
AO-27 passes AO-27 Status Page
FO-29 aka JAS-2 passes FO-29 Status Page
PCSat passes PCSat Status Page
Ham Radio Properties (For tagging on this Wiki)[edit]
Ham Radio Suppliers[edit]
Notes for Posterity[edit]
- Old Repeater du jour: K2RMX
We aim to create an inclusive, encouraging, and diverse environment for our club. As with all NYC Resistor events, meetings are governed by the NYC Resistor Code of Conduct. We are also proud to join other clubs making the Amateur Radio Inclusivity Pledge.