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This page documents the various functions of NickServ and gives information about how to use them.


/msg NickServ ACCESS ADD Mask
/msg NickServ ACCESS DEL Mask
/msg NickServ ACCESS LIST

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Modifies or displays the access list for your nick. This is the list of addresses which will be automatically recognized by NickServ as allowed to use the nick. If you want to use the nick from a different address, you need to send an IDENTIFY command to make NickServ recognize you. For example:

/msg NickServ ACCESS ADD achurch@*

Allows access to user achurch from any machine in the domain.

/msg NickServ ACCESS DEL achurch@*

Reverses the ADD command.

/msg NickServ ACCESS LIST

Displays the current access list


/msg NickServ AUTOJOIN ADD channel
/msg NickServ AUTOJOIN DEL channel

The autojoin command allows you to automatically join channels as soon as you identify with NickServ. Nicknames linked with yours will share this autojoin list.


/msg NickServ DROP

Drops your nickname from the NickServ database. A nick that has been dropped is free for anyone to re-register.


/msg NickServ IDENTIFY Password

Tells NickServ that you are really the owner of this nick. Many commands require you to authenticate yourself with this command before you use them. The password should be the same one you sent with the REGISTER command.


/msg NickServ LISTLINKS Nickname [ALL]

Lists nicks which are linked to your nick. If you specify nick, it must be your nickname or one currently linked to it. If ALL is specified, lists all nicks with the same privileges as the given nick; otherwise, lists only those nicks which are directly linked to the given nick.


/msg NickServ RECOVER Nickname Password

Allows you to recover your nickname if someone else has taken it; this does the same thing that NickServ does automatically if someone tries to use an enforce-protected nick.When you give this command, NickServ will bring a fake user online with the same nickname as the user you're trying to recover your nick from. This causes the IRC servers to disconnect the other user. This fake user will will remain online for one minute to ensure that the other user does not immediately reconnect; after that minute, you can reclaim your nick. Alternatively, use the RELEASE command to get the nick back sooner. In order to use the RECOVER command for a nick, your current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's access list, or you must supply the correct password for the nickname.


/msg NickServ REGISTER Password Email

Registers your nickname in the NickServ database. Once your nick is registered, you can use the SET and ACCESS commands to configure your nick's settings as you like them. Make sure you remember the password you use when registering - you'll need it to make changes to your nick later. (Note that case matters! FIDO, Fido, and fido are all different passwords!)

Passwords should not be easily guessable. For example, using your real name as a password is a bad idea. Using your nickname as a password is a much worse idea and, in fact, NickServ will not allow it. Also, short passwords are vulnerable to trial-and-error searches, so you should choose a password at least 5 characters long. Finally, the space character cannot be used in passwords.

Nicknames expire according to our expiry policy.


/msg NickServ RELEASE Nickname Password

Instructs NickServ to remove any hold on your nickname caused by automatic nick enforcement or use of the RECOVER command. By default, such holds last for one minute; this command gets rid of them sooner.In order to use the RELEASE command for a nick, your current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's access list, or you must supply the correct password for the nickname.


/msg NickServ SENDPASS Nickname

E-mails nickname's password to the address set using SET EMAIL or doing register.


/msg NickServ SET Option Parameters

Sets various nickname options, you must be identified to use this command. The options that can be used in conjunction with set are as follows:

PASSWORD Change the password associated with your nickname.

LANGUAGE Set the language which Services will use when sending messages to you

URL Associate a URL with your nickname. This will give you a URL redirection of the form

EMAIL Associate an E-mail address with your nickname. This will get you an email forwarder of the form [email protected].

ENFORCE Turn nickname enforcement on or off

SECURE Turn nickname security on or off

PRIVATE Prevent your nickname from appearing in a /msg NickServ LIST

HIDE Hide certain pieces of nickname information

NOOP Prevent others from adding you to channel ACCESS lists.

IRCOP Mark a nick as an IRC operator.