Eagle tutorial
- Start by making a new schematic project
- Let's make an LED, a resistor, and a battery
- In schematic mode - Click "add" at the left to add an LED an a battery
- Search for battery, we found a 9 volt clip, then added it to our schematic
- (If you can't find your component, you can make your own in library mode - we should start a shared eagle repository)
- Adding an LED - LED5M
- Dropped a few into the schematic
- Adding a resistor
- Under RCL -> R_US, we're just picking the size and package, we can change the value later
- Plopped a few onto the schematic
- Lets add a button
- Couldn't find anything in a search for button, found toggle switches
- next we use the "move around" tool
- You can't just pick the battery and decide that you want to move it, you have to pick the move tool then do it.
- It connected some stuff we don't want connected, we use the delete tool to remove the connections
- Back in the move tool, we spread our our
- If we want another battery, we copy it by going to the copy tool
- Moving stuff is a pain in the butt
- You have to first group the objects, then right click anywhere on the white area, and then you can move them
- Copying stuff is even worse, you can't group objects then copy and paste them
- rotating, go to the rotate tool then click on stuff, "you can rotate things any way you want, as long as it's ninety degrees to the left. I just click it multiple times.
- You should put high voltage top, low voltage left
- there's a thing called wire here, which is not wire. It's not for wiring things together
- Instead, you use "net"
- By default, it uses "left hand mode"
- Dave eventually just gave up and went to straight line mode - you can click waypoints on the way to your components
- We're going to connect all of our switches to power. We want to look for the dot to indicate that wires are connected
- Be careful when connecting devices, it's easy to miss your grid point and go a little too far.
- The scroll wheel zooms, so you can see small details like wires are overlapping but not connected
- Eagle will warn you if you leave a net (wire) unconnected
- We've got an unconnected wire N7 - we type "show N7" in the top, and it highlights too much, we click repaint, and we can see that the wire is slightly lighter green
- You can also just kinda wiggle the parts around to see if they are connected to their wires
Board view[edit]
- Click the "Board" button, which is two to the right of the printer
- Immediately, we can see our intelligent placement... All of our parts are jumbled to the left of the board
- We select with the group tool, go to the move tool, right click on the black space, drag them in, and then go to fit zoom
- The yellow lines are the "rats nest" - they won't actually be traced, they just show connections, we'll have to convert them later.
- The yellow line doesn't really make sense the way they've got them, so we click the "ratsnest" tool at the left, it looks like an X made out of dots. It'll wire things up more conveniently
- To get a cleaner look at our connections, we turn of the tplace and bplace players to turn off all the silkscreening (using the layer tool at the top left you have to hit "ok" before they display.
- The autoroute button is also fairly magic, but it's not undoable, so SAVE before you do it
- there's an instructable on this, with rules for the autorouter designed for home etching that makes wide placements and doesn't jam things together
- we've loaded hobby.ru
- The "costs", for example, allow you to up the "via" cost, so that it'll try to do other things to avoid a via, etc...
- there's an instructable on this, with rules for the autorouter designed for home etching that makes wide placements and doesn't jam things together
- Once you've autorouted
- Red and blue are the top and bottom layers
- Lets say we want it all on one layer
- We go to the wrench tool, tell it what we want to change, we're going to pick bottom layer.
- We can now go around and click each wire and assign it to the bottom layer
- Rip will allow us to undo an autorouting and get back to the ratsnest
- Miter tool allows us to get rid of square edges. Right angles may not trace correctly, mitering
- segment tool will allow you to split a line into two
Switching back to schematic view[edit]
- When we assign values to our components, they will show up on the board view.
- You can assign any value you want