Planning on realizing my childhood dream of owning a droid.
Break it down ( 1980s spin-masters obligatory )[edit]
Looked at JAG Aluminum Frames. No Production runs scheduled in near future. May just build the frame myself.
Laser Cut Aluminum Milled Dome procured.
Side Legs[edit]
Aluminum milled legs procured.
Center Leg[edit]
I Do want a flip down wheel. The droid needs to be able to function mechanically like r2d2.
Motor Control & Drive System[edit]
Reading up on things others have done. My ask Zach to supply RepRap motor control system. Seems most of the R2 units us a similar driver system.
Looking into low power small profile boards now.
Optional Stuff[edit]
Waiting on Legs. Beginning dome work. Investigating / Sourcing parts.