What is a BeachBot?[edit]
BeachBots are intentionally vague Beachbots combine sea, sand, sun, and people
Why make BeachBots?[edit]
Robots are fun beaches are fun Fun+fun=more fun! Doing new things pushes boundaries Cool tech: solar, motor control, coding, etc
Ideals of the event[edit]
Remove the pressure to be successful. If you project fails, at least you're at the beach! Push the boundaries!
Beachbot Ideas[edit]
- Solar hot dog roaster
- Suicidebots contest
- Design robots whose sole purpose is to bury themselves
- Design robots whose purpose is to rescue the idiot robots that are burying themselves
- Which side wins?
- Sunblock turret
- sunblog printer
- messages in teh sand
- coolerbot
- digibot
- treasurecrab
- surferbot
- sandcastle printer
- watergun bot
- sunglasses bot
- fishing bot
- autonomous beachball
- your ideas here!
- amphibious bot
- cabanabot fanner
- self filling misterbots
- pathmaker bot, plows the top, sprays water down, (sounds a trumpet, puts down rose petals, lol)
- trash-eater
- sand on blanket cleaner
- foot de-sander before you put your shoes back on
- umbrella turbine
- ribbon wind-power generator