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3rd Av Space

From NYC Resistor Wiki

We're scoping out a space at 87 3rd Ave!

Photos of the space (add links if you have any): http://www.flickr.com/photos/kellbot/


  • ~2500 sqft divided into two large adjoining rooms and one small enclosed one
  • Rent is $650 less than we're paying now
  • Heat/utilities NOT included
  • 4th floor walkup with freight elevator

Things we like about the space[edit]

  • cheaper and bigger
  • Cool architecture
  • Awesome layout, Could run two classes at the same time
  • arguably fewer noise concerns
  • Building full of artists
  • Having makerbot downstairs
  • Cool neighborhood, Better food in the area
  • Bathroom in the space
  • Could have a real kitchen
  • Better parking
  • Cool landlord
  • We control the freight elevator
  • Tin ceilings are awesome
  • Two lofts
  • Ready to go laser room

Things we don't like about the space[edit]

  • Security - not quite the police patrols we've got around NYCR (although arguably more foot traffic)
  • No passenger elevators, four flights of steep stairs. May affect classes.
  • Buildout needed (Lighting, kitchen, electrical, window repair / replacement)
  • Four flights of steep stairs
  • wooden floors (fire hazard?)
  • Moving Sucks
  • We pay for heat (how much?)
  • Needs paint
  • Cell reception sucks
  • Need telco access
  • Would need more Furniture
  • Class revenue could be affected in short term during the move


These are concerns we have about the space, along with how to investigate them (when needed) and possible solutions (if there are any)

Fire Safety[edit]

  • Where is the fire escape? In the front of the building.
  • Is there a sprinkler system? Yes, it is a dry system
  • We should have a Fire Inspection done Do we have any fire fighter friends?


  • Stairs seem old and worn. We could put grippy tape on them as part of the build out.
  • How can people who can't handle stairs get in? Someone from NYCR will operate the freight elevator. note: there are still a few stairs to get into the building itself


  • How much is heat going to set us back? The previous tenant didn't use the gas heat, he used electric, so it may be hard to gauge from his gas bills. The 2nd floor, which has 3 heating units, came to $250 in January of '09.
  • Who is responsible for repairs/maintenence of heater? Ask landlord
  • Will we end up double-paying rent? No, we pre-paid our last month when we moved in.
  • How much is the security deposit and when do we need it by?


  • Gee it's dark The landlord would be willing to split the cost of replacing some of the bricked up windows. He said having 3 windows done a few years ago came to $1350, probably more like $1500 now.
  • Is it haunted? Bre says they have taken care of the ghosts in the building.