Current Projects
- Another book
- Hacking my iPhone and Kindle
- The Pwnie Awards 2008, Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas
Past Projects
- Exploiting Second Life - Security risks in virtual worlds, Presented and demoed live in SecondLife from ShmooCon 08
- The Art of Software Security Testing - So your software product is riddled with security vulnerabilities; start here
- Hardware Virtualization Rootkits - Virtualization gone horribly wrong
- KARMA - Making using wireless windows laptops unsafe since 2004
What I'm Good At
- Bug hunting
- Exploiting vulnerabilities
- Reverse engineering
- Coding x86/ppc/sparc assembly -> C -> Ruby/Perl -> Scheme/Lisp/OCaml
- Unix, networking, wireless sysadmin-y stuff
Where You'll Find Me
Lurking in my underground lair. Or on the intarweb:
- Email:
- Web:
- Twitter:
- Blog: There is no blog